Are the cis okay?
Can confirm.
At this point, I would rather have a Glucose Guardian* than work.
*gender neutral term for Sugar Daddy/Mommy
Can confirm.
I like working with kids, even on days there are multiple Critical Incident/Adverse Event forms to fill out.
As a rule, I believe kids are awesome. Adults are generally terrible.
Kids are just adults with poor credit. 75% of them suck too.
Kid tonight ripped into me because reasons.
I also understand that kid is acting from a place of deep hurt and trauma.
Cool thing about my job:
I've been given ways to make my ADHD productive. For example
If I need to pace, I've been told to do a security check.
If I need to calm myself down, I get to journal.
And if you mention feeling sad or anxious, they will check in with you so they can talk you through it. At my last job, I was told to bottle it up until it was time to go home.
Flaggy's looking for a job. Guess he doesn't want to get in any more trouble ogling coworkers: https://twitter.com/tattooed_bug/sta...97657107292162
Started to look for a new job and i hate it honestly. It's been a while since i've done it.
I've applied to be the boss again. There is a vacancy to be backfilled, as my former manager's last day was today. We'll see how it goes this time after I didn't make the cut in May, but got a personal phone call from my director that my interview was good, but the competition from a field of 7 applicants was very close. *shrug*