Waiting for the Snow to fly...
Re: Alaska / UAA : the Strategic, Restructured, Combined 2019-20 Season Thread.
This more or less sums up my thoughts regarding the Alaska schools. Twice in 5 years, we spent a Summer wondering if the program will be around 4 months later. I get that the threats to the programs came from outside the university, but they still happened. The only brush the other 7 schools had with losing a program was BGSU around a decade ago. It's a case of "Those that don't learn from history are bound to repeat it."
Huntsville is moving forward, albeit slowly. They also had the ax dropped, but they did come forward and put that discussion six feat under since then. It's a tough sell, but if they can get their own building, I would have no qualms about having them in conference long term.
Let's be honest, it probably has very little to do with the schools themselves and more to do with things that are out of the control of the schools. The instability that was created the last couple of years by the Alaska government and the University of Alabama system can't be easy for the other 7 schools. I have zero doubt in my mind that UAA, UAF and UAH are committed to hockey and are willing to put money towards their programs. I would think UAH would be less of a concern from a stability standpoint, but lets not forget that the Alabama system essentially shut them down a few years ago and the program was saved by a few very dedicated fans and boosters. Now, let's just play devil's advocate for a minute....say the worst did happen this year. We are in July of 2019 and the season starts in 3-4 months and all of a sudden the two Alaska teams are gone from college hockey. That was a realistic possibility for a time. That leaves the other schools in the conference short of 6-8 games for the year and quite possibly each of the next 3 years (2019, 2020, and maybe 2021). This was also a topic of conversation last year and it's hard to believe that it won't be a topic of conversation next year. Now, if you take the emotion out of it, at what point do the other schools say, "we can't stay in a relationship in which we don't know if others are going to walk away and leave us hanging"? At some point the other schools are going to be cold and heartless and think about how they are going to be hurt if this keeps happening.
Essentially, you're asking the other 7 schools to hang around hoping they don't get hurt. That's a pretty big ask when it seems like it's inevitable that at least 1, if not 2 or 3, of these programs are going to fold at some point. In a perfect world, everyone would support everyone else, but in reality each of the schools has to think of themselves and make sure they survive first. I know this won't be a popular opinion, but, reading the tea leaves, it seems like this has to be what's going through the other Athletic Directors' and University Presidents' minds.
This more or less sums up my thoughts regarding the Alaska schools. Twice in 5 years, we spent a Summer wondering if the program will be around 4 months later. I get that the threats to the programs came from outside the university, but they still happened. The only brush the other 7 schools had with losing a program was BGSU around a decade ago. It's a case of "Those that don't learn from history are bound to repeat it."
Huntsville is moving forward, albeit slowly. They also had the ax dropped, but they did come forward and put that discussion six feat under since then. It's a tough sell, but if they can get their own building, I would have no qualms about having them in conference long term.