Re: Alaska / UAA : the Strategic, Restructured, Combined 2019-20 Season Thread.
We got some help this past weekend from UAH and BSU. Much appreciated. BSU’s sweep of BGSU just reeled them back into the mix with UAF and MTU for the last home playoff spot. BGSU still has two games in hand on us but they are also seven points behind. The only head-to-head in this group is when UAF hosts BGSU Feb 14 & 15.
Getting swept probably knocks either team out of contention. A spilt benefits MTU. That assumes that all three of us take care of business with our other games, which is definitely not a given. Every lost point will be a dagger for any of us.
Down the stretch:
Alaska (35 pts): @UAH, BGSU, UAA, pts possible = 53
MTU (32 pts) : LSSU, @FSU, h/h NMU, pts possible = 50
BGSU (28 pts): UAA, @UAF, FSU, @UAH, pts possible = 52
Go Nooks!