I'm excited for this weekend, but will not make any predictions, until I look into RMU and RPI further. I'm really excited to see RMU, due to the fact that I am originally from PA. My brother graduated from PITT, and I spent a lot of time in that city back in the day (I love Pittsburgh). I have followed RMU a little bit since they turned DI. I'm actually going to be in PA for a deer/pheasant hunting the first week of Nov! I will say I really like these tourney's (UAA's and UAF's). I like getting to see all of these different teams. Both Alaska teams will be tough. They are both well coached, and play with a lot of pride. They are quite different in many ways however, being built for different conferences. Both Alaska teams play on Olympic size sheets of ice (not a big change for UAA to come to the CC and play). What size sheet of ice do RMU and RPI play on? It should be a great weekend of hockey. Is anyone for RPI or RMU coming up for the games? If so, the weather has been awesome, and is supposed to be that way through the weekend.