Even if the NCAA allows split sites, it probably doesn’t bode well for UAF:
…Hockey is a “dead man walking.” I see no viable conf affiliation on the horizon.
…UAA has one of the best DII arenas in the country in the Alaska Airlines Center, and their women’s bball and vball do fairly well. It’s a $120m facility that will not be allowed to sit vacant if we have any sports programs at all.
…UAA has available year round training facilities and an emphasis on international recruiting, so their track and field does really well (and x-country is decent).
…UAA is close to Alyleska so their ski program contains both the alpine and nordic components.
…UAA has women’s gymnastics, but may have to drop that when hockey goes because of both Title IX / budget issues. It's saving grace may be it utilizes the Alaska Airlines Center.
UAF has
…an historically strong Rile program.
…a decent women’s swim team.
…some of the best x/c ski trails and training opportunities in the country, but a mediocre ski team. We have a x/c running program that I believe only exists to meet the NCAA 10 sports minimum. Skiers run x/c
…our mbball, wbball, vball have been historic conf cellar dwellers.
That being said, when almost all sports are located in Anchorage (maybe with the exception of Rifle and Swimming) and President Johnson encourages all UA students and alum to support (emotionally and financially) the new UA sports teams, most loyal Nanook fans, myself included, will tell him to pound sand.