Did you know that Union's the 26th best school in the country? Forbes, a highly respected magazine, said so. That's well ahead of AIC's #753.
Union is a dangerous team and AIC better watch out. The DIY Network's weekly poll has us in 21st in the nation. That means our hockey team is even higher ranked than our academic rank, which is #26. Being that we're also morally superior in addition to being #26, I'm sure AIC won't be much of a problem.
Please note that, in order to cover my backside and hedge my bets, I am not actually predicting that #26 Union will win this game. All I'm saying is don't ever say anything negative about us.
Man, I can't wait to play Harvard and tell them how much more awesome Union's #26 ranking is compared to whatever lame number they have.
OK, I'm off to class. Because I have class. At UNION.