Re: >> AHC Pick'em 2017-2018 <<
SweeneyHawksHockey got 9 points this week. The only points missed came from the 2 ties.
Updated Standings:
SweeneyHawksHockey got 9 points this week. The only points missed came from the 2 ties.
Updated Standings:
Place Username...........Points
1 SweeneyHawksHockey..49
2 komey1..............47
3 kwm4385.............44
3 Chris Lerch.........44
3 Blazer777...........44
6 larfretz44..........42
7 Snively65...........41
8 nyhockeyguy.........40
8 niahock.............40
10 XCTiger.............39
10 Bing................39
12 Zyklon..............38
12 ritBLKnORGsuit......38
12 Dan Rubin...........38
12 Blitz...............38
16 cornwallace.........37
17 TalonsUpPuckDown....36
17 Leather Lungs.......36
19 Downstate_RIT_Fan...35
20 Laker Dude..........33
21 mar7967.............32
22 The Top Shelf.......26
23 colonialfan.........25
24 Acohen527...........24
25 Nosmo King..........18
26 Schmitty.............9