I wish it were just a finger blister. It's crazy that I was going to games with the issue I had.
Seems like you've recovered so good for you. I will win in post season though!

I wish it were just a finger blister. It's crazy that I was going to games with the issue I had.
I am back from overseas and might be ready for this year's play offs; day to day decision.![]()
Looks like we have our first final - not sure if there was a time change on the Niagara-AIC game due to the weather. Kudos to the Jackets for winning their first ever home playoff game.
Looks like we have our first final - not sure if there was a time change on the Niagara-AIC game due to the weather. Kudos to the Jackets for winning their first ever home playoff game.
Place Username...........Points
1 mar7967..............15
2 Blazer777............10
3 Downstate_RIT_Fan.....9
4 RitBLKnORGsuit........8
4 kwm4385...............8
6 XCTiger...............7
6 Nosmo King............7
6 niahock...............7
6 komey1................7
6 Bing..................7
11 Zyklon................6
11 SweeneyHawksHockey....6
13 TalonsUpPuckDown......4
Somehow I had a perfect weekend and got all 15 points possible. Here are week 1 standings.
Code:Place Username...........Points 1 mar7967..............15 2 Blazer777............10 3 Downstate_RIT_Fan.....9 4 RitBLKnORGsuit........8 4 kwm4385...............8 6 XCTiger...............7 6 Nosmo King............7 6 niahock...............7 6 komey1................7 6 Bing..................7 11 Zyklon................6 11 SweeneyHawksHockey....6 13 TalonsUpPuckDown......4
If there are any questions on scoring, let me know.
I had to manually type your picks into the sheet instead of the typical copy/paste because of how the post season sheet is setup, so please verify that everything looks correct here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yNjpE3g296DQZm8zXyMOtdY2gq3AWmYig2k8P6-572w/edit?usp=sharing
This is the sheet that records your picks: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eC8cGmWV3VEBqiQghIIcxO53Re79vI4X0fMtVwZcw_M/edit?usp=sharing
You picked against your Tigers, mar!
You picked against your Tigers, mar!
Wish I had too!
That is a huge lead that all of you have spotted the captain.![]()
Nah, this is the weekend of a major upset and Mar picked wrong on it so, his direness will continue ��
I would be shocked if no lower seeded team advanced.
niahock, RitBLKnORGsuit and SweeneyHawksHockey all picked perfectly last night and got 6 points.
I did not, I only got 2 points (Mercyhurst and Canisius)
I think I might have done the same but have list the link to the spreadsheet. Will have to wait until the official results come out
Place Username...........Points
1 mar7967..............32
2 komey1...............29
3 SweeneyHawksHockey...25
4 RitBLKnORGsuit.......24
5 Zyklon...............23
5 niahock..............23
5 kwm4385..............23
8 Downstate_RIT_Fan....22
9 XCTiger..............21
10 TalonsUpPuckDown.....19
11 Blazer777............18
12 Bing.................17
13 Nosmo King...........13