Re: >> AHC Pick'em 2016-2017 <<
Hey Mar, I think you might have put a minus sign next to all the points I got last week!
Another rough week for points. colonialfan and larfretz44 led with 7 points in 14 games.
Updated standings:
Code:Place Username.........Points 1 RIT Winters.........35 1 cplinford...........35 1 cornwallace.........35 4 Bing................34 5 NYhockeyguy.........33 6 XCTiger.............32 6 SweeneyHawksHockey..32 6 mar7967.............32 9 ritBLKnORGsuit......31 9 larfretz44..........31 9 kwm4385.............31 9 AFHockeyFan.........31 13 Rochester...........30 13 acohen527...........30 15 Downstate_RIT_Fan...29 15 colonialfan.........29 17 TalonsUpPuckDown....28 18 snively65...........27 18 Laker Dude..........27 18 Blazer777...........27 21 97osu...............21 22 The Top Shelf.......19 23 JRZ DVLS.............8 24 komey1...............5 25 Ballroomblitz........4
Hey Mar, I think you might have put a minus sign next to all the points I got last week!