Going back to the previous thread, I never liked the Minnesotan-only policy. It has nothing to do with whether or not it improved the chances of winning a title. It would have been perfectly possible to support and boost in-state hockey programs while still having some players that were from other places.
This could be a first: the Gophers women's hockey team being the subject (along with Gopher Women's BB) of a Star Tribune editorial piece:
Hats off to U women's hockey and basketball teams
Going back to the previous thread, I never liked the Minnesotan-only policy. It has nothing to do with whether or not it improved the chances of winning a title. An insular policy like that is the antithesis of what a university should be encouraging. I came up here from Michigan to go to school at the U and what the locals think of as pride really just came off as unwelcoming. I don't care what the rationale was, it was a bad policy. It would have been perfectly possible to support and boost in-state hockey programs while still having some players that were from other places.
Obviously it was not a bad policy as it produced the desired result, the best development of American hockey players is evidence by the sheer number of Minnesotans playing hockey at an elite level. Look at states that COULD have programs like MNs, Wisconsin, Michigan and Massachusetts come to mind; between them they might be able to field one decent team. That you somehow felt put off by the policy does not make it a bad one. It was a rarity in college athletics, an attempt to do something for the community and the sport he loved instead of winning at all costs. Had he not done it college hockey would be 99% Canadian players & even less watched than currently.
And, as stated previously, it was not "Minnesota only" as the team has had many players from outside MN, but they had to want to come here. It ws just recruiting that was limited. So they did have players from other places.
One could make the argument that a MN only policy at the U helps development in the state. I don't know if it moves the needle in a stellar current MN girls hockey environment. But even then, I believe yet another championship at the U does at least as much for MN, even if its in large part due to Amanda Kessel.
And, as stated previously, it was not "Minnesota only" as the team has had many players from outside MN, but they had to want to come here. It ws just recruiting that was limited. So they did have players from other places.
That you somehow felt put off by the policy does not make it a bad one..
Obviously it was not a bad policy as it produced the desired result, .
This could be a first: the Gophers women's hockey team being the subject (along with Gopher Women's BB) of a Star Tribune editorial piece:
Hats off to U women's hockey and basketball teams
In fact that is exactly what I did, I thought it was eeyore I was responding to!I think you are mistaking me for eeyore,
I remember the HS tourney in the mid-60s I bought tickets from a kid scalping student tickets for 50 cents and he had a ton of them. But around that time was when it seemed to go nuts. You could get season tickets pretty quickly but by the 70's, despite moving to a venue with twice the seating it was a minimum of a 5 year wait & now they will not even take your name for the big school sessions. I also remember sitting in the dark & decaying barn when Sonmor first started & then Kenny Yackel. The place was often empty but they were not winning much then. I think Brooks and winning fueled a lot of that growth because it was a matter of MN pride to say we won national championships with local kids.You can see the effect on attendance at the U of MN. Some time during the Sonmor years attendance increased dramatically. Prior to that the place was half full or less. Was it due to his winning the WCHA championship in 1970? Going to the NCAA final in 1972? Spillover interest from pro hockey? Spillover from HS boys? Likely, a bit of all of it. It really went nuts after 1980.
I disagree. Jack Blatherwick, CODP, the OS spinoff of CODP, and more recently the Fall Elite league are what have propelled Minnesota's development of players over the past decade.
The first part of that might almost be a chicken/egg thing. I think that improved state girls hockey was a huge factor in the recent success for UM. There was a stretch where we weren't seeing anything close to a senior class with Brandt/McMillen/Stecklein all in the same year. While that one is admittedly an outlier, there was good talent in the state on either side of it. And for the record, I'm not saying that you are saying anything contrary to that, I'm just adding a comment.I just said that a Gopher championship does at least as much for state girls hockey as a MN only policy (which hardly 'moves the needle').
To say this year's team is a "spectacular failure" is an exaggeration IMO. They've won 21 games and are Big Ten regular season champions. And to the extent this year's team has disappointed it is in no way attributable to their "policy" of recruiting primarily Minnesota kids. The players are pretty much the same as the Minnesota players who lost in last year's NCAA championship game.Given the spectacular failure of this years team to perform up to expectations I think there is going to be more pressure to replace either that policy or the man currently implementing it.
The first part of that might almost be a chicken/egg thing. I think that improved state girls hockey was a huge factor in the recent success for UM. There was a stretch where we weren't seeing anything close to a senior class with Brandt/McMillen/Stecklein all in the same year. While that one is admittedly an outlier, there was good talent in the state on either side of it. And for the record, I'm not saying that you are saying anything contrary to that, I'm just adding a comment.
If you want a real "spectacular failure" look no further than Wisconsin. They've got six NCAA titles to their credit,
Anybody feel like giving some props to Megan Wolfe. I think she has become a solid and steady performer since they moved her back to D earlier in the year. And she did a good job filling in for Pannek at center on Saturday!