Re: 2012 WCHA Final Five
Michigan Tech is 4-5-3 against the field**, having beaten every team in the Final Five once, except NoDak. They know what it will take to get it done, and are lean and mean and fit, having set aside every dead weight distraction such as girls, classes, and even, in certain cases, their appendices. It's time to lay it on the line and win the tournament.
"For the Lord of our Dreams and the King of All Mists speaks through me unto you... and delivers us these laws (so sayeth the Lord of the Locusts)... For far too long the flat-landers* have been allowed to retain their corrupt control on all that belongs to us by divine right! From this day forth -- we shall take what is OURS!"
-The Hooded One
I really wish I could be there to see it in person.
*and the Denver Pioneers, as well
** mediocre, yes, but not bad.