I used to think no, but I'm pretty sure he will now
The real question might be if Kushner will survive the full 4 years. It sounds like he's doing anything and everything for the Trumpster Fire while Trump himself plays golf, watches CNN, and rage tweets.
Nah. He'll weasel his way out of it. Art of the deal. Master negotiator. Blah blah.
I stand by my original pre-election comment of: he'll step down because he was forced out. In other words, he didn't lose. He had no choice. Saves his ego.
I worded that wrong. He'll resign because he literally has no choice? And to save face? Similar to Asian culture....I don't know about that. Resigning would make him a quitter. It's not equivalent to him filing for bankruptcy 4 times, where he reorged various arms of his business, maybe gave up some controlling stake in ownership of a particular entity, but remained at the head of the Trump Organization.
I worded that wrong. He'll resign because he literally has no choice? And to save face? Similar to Asian culture....
If not that, then he gets thrown out, like a bum, a criminal, and I dunno if he wants that.
That's EXACTLY why'll he find a way to be "forced" out, and not go out on his "own."Nixon resigned because he had no choice, and wasn't stupid. Once the "Smoking Gun Tape" hit the press, it was over. There were a lot more honorable Republicans in Congress then, who absolutely would've voted to impeach and remove, than there are now.
Yeah, I don't see it. His ego is too large and destructive, to his own personal detriment. He'll do the trial and Tweet about how "unfair!" and "biased!" it is the whole time, and how the "fake news!" won't shut up about it and let him run the country. He'll remind everyone "I won the election! Very big league! Almost impossible for a Republican to win the electoral college, and I did it!" He'll Tweet about how his supporters need to call their Senators and demand they vote to save his Presidency, "or else!". And they'll do it, too.