Are the cis okay?
Let's see...
We have Baylor, who looked the other way while the football team was raping women on campus. Baylor is also on record as saying "universities don't have the responsibility to protect students from harm caused by other students."
We have Penn State, who looked the other way while Sandusky was raping children. They covered it up for nearly 40 years, and a trustee is saying he is "running out of sympathy" for Sandusky's "so-called victims."
We have Baylor, who looked the other way while the football team was raping women on campus. Baylor is also on record as saying "universities don't have the responsibility to protect students from harm caused by other students."
We have Penn State, who looked the other way while Sandusky was raping children. They covered it up for nearly 40 years, and a trustee is saying he is "running out of sympathy" for Sandusky's "so-called victims."