Re: Western Flavor Turkey Tournaments
Let's pick up where we left off here. I saw four games this weekend at Arrington. Well, three games plus 2 periods of the Hamline-Geneseo game. I don't think the scoreboard lied all weekend. The best team won all four games.
Geneseo skated well both games, but I was disappointed by the lack of finishing. Watching the Eau Claire-Geneseo game I would never have guessed that this would have been a 2-0 game. I could see a 2-goal game, but more of the 4-2 or 5-3 variety.
As for Adrian and Hamline, that was more of the Adrian team that I'm used to seeing. Hamline did not play poorly at all, in my mind. It was just that Adrian was better.
I do have a beef, though, and it does not relate to either team. The three officials that worked the game did a very poor job when it came to handing out all three CTH majors. A Hamline player and Adrian's Dovey both got 5 for CTH on each other, and later Adrian's Mike Towns took a CTH major in the 2nd on a hit to the chest. Now, I guess I must have flunked biology in school somewhere along the line, because I always thought a person's head was on top of their neck, and not between their nipples. That's exactly where Towns hit the Hamline player. Were all three calls legitimate penalties? In my mind, yes. Did any of them warrant majors? Absolutely not, new crackdown or otherwise. Other than that, it was a nicely officiated weekend.
All in all a very good weekend of hockey, and our three guests gave very good accounts of themselves for the weekend.