Have I missed something or has there been absolutely
ZERO coverage???????????????????????????????????????????????
aren't you used to this by now???
yea, and we were forced to listen to a gustie announcer who didnt get one name right the entire time....interviewed the GAC assistant both intermissions during the 3rd place game, yet nothing from an Elmira assistant, the GAC fans were mostly at the game, not the ones far away watching the webcast hoping for some coverage on their own team.
The fact that they interviewed the GAC assistant twice and not the Elmira assistant may have been an oversight by EC moreso than that of USCHO.
Are the game webcasts archived anywhere?
yea, and we were forced to listen to a gustie announcer who didnt get one name right the entire time....interviewed the GAC assistant both intermissions during the 3rd place game, yet nothing from an Elmira assistant, the GAC fans were mostly at the game, not the ones far away watching the webcast hoping for some coverage on their own team.
Bummer. Hopefully there will be no video stream at all next year... That way you won't be so disappointed!
Seriously, some people...
Ya maybe we should sue the NCAA because the D3 men's title game was broadcasted on CBS college sports(national TV) and the D3 women's wasn't!
OK...where do I sign up?
You hire the lawyer and we'll go from there!
we, the USCHO women's DIII community (who doubtless contribute to the USCHO revenue stream in visiting the site and posting), deserved just a bit more.
Just curious, but how big do you think the D3 women's hockey community is?
The D1 men's hockey community isn't exactly large to begin with, and certainly you'd admit they're the biggest customer base for this site, right?
I have no idea how the revenue stream is generated
Figure that out, and you'll understand why you didn't get a game recap.
Figure that out, and you'll understand why you didn't get a game recap.
If you have it figured out...could you advise how we might get one next year?
It's not that difficult. 90% of USCHO's income comes from Men's D1 Fans, 8% of it comes from Men's D3 and 2% comes from Women's Hockey about .5% of which is D3 women.
Really, you probably don't even have to delve that deeply. College hockey itself is a niche sport; women's college hockey is a niche within a niche, and d3 women's hockey is smaller niche still. Frankly, I doubt the amount of ad money generated by most threads on any part of the boards covers the hosting and bandwidth costs of said threads - clickthru rates on ads are abysmal. Hence why USCHO has the "extra" subscription to garner more revenue.
Most game recap authors are students who also cover the team for their school paper. They sign-up to write for USCHO as well for a little more experience and exposure, if the school paper lets them. USCHO gets them a media credential if they can't get one through their school paper, but otherwise they don't get any compensation, travel or otherwise.
So, to get a game recap, you'd need a student who's also a game reporter for one of the teams who is also able to get to the game on his or her own dime.