Go Dogs! Just picked up a firestick finally—NCHC TV said we’ll be able to stream to our TV this year through it so hope it works well as I’m sick of having to run an HDMI from an old computer and troubleshooting audio everytime
As for the hockey, unless UND plays markedly better, I don't foresee getting back to Grand Forks with any points. They will need to play lights out on the back end and then hope for some greasy goals if the want to steal any points.
I did the same, and it works well. Hopefully you have the same experience.
Refs losing control of this game. Seems to be standard with games involving North Dakota though ****ed if you do, ****ed if you don’t ;-)
It is difficult to listen to the homers.
Thought the same thing. Call it a slash.So a nut shot is called spearing now? Maybe they need to change some definitions. I once thought a spear was a football tackle, or using the butt end of stick to jab someone, and now nut shots
If it is done with the blade of the stick, even in an upwards motion, yes it is. That is how the rule is interpreted and applied. Multiple examples over the past few seasons in college hockey of that resulting in 5+game.So a nut shot is called spearing now?
That's, um......butt-endingMaybe they need to change some definitions. I once thought a spear was a football tackle, or using the butt end of stick to jab someone...
Play by play is a embarrassment for UMD. Clowns have no hockey IQ
Clown, where did I say radio? Bruce turned me off of UMD radio 15 years ago.I imagine you must be listening to the Ciskie feed? We’re nearly 20 years into the 21st century, internet has been widely available for 30 years, you can literally stream the game onto your phone on nchc.tv and rewind the feed and review plays for yourself yet you come on here complaining that the radio announcers sound biased? Just saying maybe you should just pay the fee and watch for yourself rather than complaining online. Nobody noticed the Shaw hit since mckay didn’t dive but if Ciskie was complaining, he had right too. Just because Mckay didn’t go down and embellish doesn’t mean it wasn’t a dirty hit. And there have been some dirty plays
Clown, where did I say radio? Bruce turned me off of UMD radio 15 years ago.