Well, we've all seen this Kabuki dance before (remember how Illinois led us on for three years)? So far, all there is here is a well-intentioned student columnist expressing a sentiment that makes so much sense to us true believers but is likely going nowhere.
First, the usual suspects: Money and Title IX. As to the former, UCLA isn't exactly poor, but its athletic budget looks like a fiscal basket case; as to the latter, the school is big enough to figure out a way comply if it really wants to pursue hockey. Beyond that is probable pushback from entrenched football and hoops interests that won't welcome in-season revenue-producing competition and certainly don't want to see another expensive sport compete for a chunk of the already in-the-hole athletic budget. The football and hoops gods must be fed!
On the bright side: Should some miracle occur, and UCLA starts a D1 hockey program, would it be able to drag USC along with it since both are headed to the B1G?