Can you provide a link to where you ware watching/listening? The primelink on the Plattsburgh website just keeps playing a video of the Primelink Tournament, and the link to audio comes up as a broken link.
How's the snow?
at 3 PM there was 5" of snow in Salem, MA.
about three to four here in Northfield
Is tomorrow night's women's game, er...mismatch still on?
it was still on as of 5pm but I am just about sure it will get cancelled first thing in the am
Can anyone contact Primelink??/Plattsburgh?? and tell him the video link is not working?
Which is kind of funny, as that game was "Rescheduled from Jan. 12, 2011."Frankin Pierce @ UNE - Postponed
Which is kind of funny, as that game was "Rescheduled from Jan. 12, 2011."