Actually, nothing changed. The Gov'mint just stopped enforcing an unenforced rule.
Actually, nothing changed. The Gov'mint just stopped enforcing an unenforced rule.
Actually, nothing changed. The Gov'mint just stopped enforcing an unenforced rule.
It is true on the NCAA side of things, as noted "Thankfully, Myles Brand, then-NCAA president, immediately issued an edict saying schools should pay no attention to the guidelines."
Title IX is a joke. It destroyed most JV collegiate sports and the truyh is the vast majority of women have no interest. Most female competitions are sparsely attended and many have to search out players. Softball, basketball hockey maybe in some schools but I don't think there is the level of participation you find with male athletes. The sisters of most of the guys my son played ball with had no interest in sports. Hate to say it but it's all another PC assault on boys and manhood.![]()
Title IX is a joke. It destroyed most JV collegiate sports and the truyh is the vast majority of women have no interest. Most female competitions are sparsely attended and many have to search out players. Softball, basketball hockey maybe in some schools but I don't think there is the level of participation you find with male athletes. The sisters of most of the guys my son played ball with had no interest in sports. Hate to say it but it's all another PC assault on boys and manhood.![]()
The only thing wrong with Title IX is responses like this and the fact that too many schools have responded not by expanding opportunities for women, but by contracting opportunities for men. This was never the intent of the framers of Title IX (which is not just focused on athletics, but on all facets of college life).
Without title IX, I doubt very much that we would have seen the expansion of Women's hockey that has taken place in the past few years. Unfortunately, some people see the phrase "Title IX" and respond with an uninformed, knee-jerk negative reaction.
ProfThe only thing wrong with Title IX is responses like this and the fact that too many schools have responded not by expanding opportunities for women, but by contracting opportunities for men. This was never the intent of the framers of Title IX (which is not just focused on athletics, but on all facets of college life).
Without title IX, I doubt very much that we would have seen the expansion of Women's hockey that has taken place in the past few years. Unfortunately, some people see the phrase "Title IX" and respond with an uninformed, knee-jerk negative reaction.
Very true, but if your athletic pie is only so big, and suddenly you have more hands wanting pieces of the pie, you have to either bake a bigger pie, cut down on the size of the portions, or restrict the number of hands getting their mitts on the pie.
Remember, Prof, women suck the life essence from men. This causes weakness and confusion, which led, in 1946, to the flouridation of our drinking water and the rise of the vast communist conspiracy. It was in the midst of this conspiracy that Title IX was born. Its sole intent Prof, its sole intent, was to weaken our men and make them less fit to rule. Our society is becoming a matriarchy and we men are becoming subservient.
No, Prof, this must stop, this must come TO AN END!! It is time (cue music) for we men to stand up and take back what is ours! No more will it be "Yes, Dear." We will reclaim our heritage and win our women by besting our opponents on the athletic field or in mortal combat! We are genectically superior and we must reclaim our primacy or die trying!!!
The preceeding rant was brought to you by Strangelove Enterprises, a division of Ripper Industries
Very true, but if your athletic pie is only so big, and suddenly you have more hands wanting pieces of the pie, you have to either bake a bigger pie, cut down on the size of the portions, or restrict the number of hands getting their mitts on the pie.
Remember, Prof, women suck the life essence from men. This causes weakness and confusion, which led, in 1946, to the flouridation of our drinking water and the rise of the vast communist conspiracy. It was in the midst of this conspiracy that Title IX was born. Its sole intent Prof, its sole intent, was to weaken our men and make them less fit to rule. Our society is becoming a matriarchy and we men are becoming subservient.
No, Prof, this must stop, this must come TO AN END!! It is time (cue music) for we men to stand up and take back what is ours! No more will it be "Yes, Dear." We will reclaim our heritage and win our women by besting our opponents on the athletic field or in mortal combat! We are genectically superior and we must reclaim our primacy or die trying!!!
The preceeding rant was brought to you by Strangelove Enterprises, a division of Ripper Industries
The only thing wrong with Title IX is responses like this and the fact that too many schools have responded not by expanding opportunities for women, but by contracting opportunities for men. This was never the intent of the framers of Title IX (which is not just focused on athletics, but on all facets of college life).
Without title IX, I doubt very much that we would have seen the expansion of Women's hockey that has taken place in the past few years. Unfortunately, some people see the phrase "Title IX" and respond with an uninformed, knee-jerk negative reaction.
Very true, but if your athletic pie is only so big, and suddenly you have more hands wanting pieces of the pie, you have to either bake a bigger pie, cut down on the size of the portions, or restrict the number of hands getting their mitts on the pie.
Remember, Prof, women suck the life essence from men. This causes weakness and confusion, which led, in 1946, to the flouridation of our drinking water and the rise of the vast communist conspiracy. It was in the midst of this conspiracy that Title IX was born. Its sole intent Prof, its sole intent, was to weaken our men and make them less fit to rule. Our society is becoming a matriarchy and we men are becoming subservient.
No, Prof, this must stop, this must come TO AN END!! It is time (cue music) for we men to stand up and take back what is ours! No more will it be "Yes, Dear." We will reclaim our heritage and win our women by besting our opponents on the athletic field or in mortal combat! We are genectically superior and we must reclaim our primacy or die trying!!!
The preceeding rant was brought to you by Strangelove Enterprises, a division of Ripper Industries
Were a fog machine and a laser show part of the dog and pony show? Inquiring minds want to know.
The only thing wrong with Title IX is responses like this and the fact that too many schools have responded not by expanding opportunities for women, but by contracting opportunities for men. This was never the intent of the framers of Title IX (which is not just focused on athletics, but on all facets of college life).
Without title IX, I doubt very much that we would have seen the expansion of Women's hockey that has taken place in the past few years. Unfortunately, some people see the phrase "Title IX" and respond with an uninformed, knee-jerk negative reaction.
Are you kidding me this is the dumbest rule out there that was ever established. This is like the Unions telling the Corporation no you can't do that because you offer Football and have 80 kids on the roster and now you need to field either a women's football team or offer the same amount of sports for 80 women.