Re: The Most Beautiful Goal of the Year
Anyone else here old enough to remember the great (pre-1980) Soviet teams? They were so good they made such beautiful goals almost seem routine.
Went to game 3 vs Canada in 1972 Summit Series. This series was embroiled in politics and was almost surreal. There was so much political tension between the two countries because of this series that you had to live through it to believe's not an exaggeration to say that many thought that the next step would be one involving the military. It was like war without the military yet being involved. It had Phil Esposito appealing (some might say whining) to the Canadian public on National tv and ended in the most celebrated goal in Canadian hockey history...also know as "the shot heard around the world."
When the second half of the series moved to Russia the Russian (hockey?) authorities did all sorts of things in an attempt to assure victory such as having hotel rooms occupied next to those of the Canadian players with planted all night revelers so that the Canadian players wouldn't get any sleep...seriously! The goal judge would often fail to turn the goal light on after Canada scored...etc., etc..
If you want to get a feel for what I'm talking about click the link to Henderson's winning goal and watch closely, right afterwards, for the gesture that a Team Canada coaching staff/official on the bench gives the Russian crowd, not once, but twice and see if you can figure out what he says to them. It's the easiest lip reading you'll ever do.
Tretiak was beyond belief in that series. We, including everyone on this forum who loves the women's game, have a lot to thank the Russians for with respect to the discipline that they applied to their conditioning...found out later that the Canadians were drinking beer during the series! Without knowing this, but being so disgusted with how out of shape they were, my friend and I yelled from our glass level seats to Esposito as he skated by "have another beer Phil!"
Henderson's jersey just sold a few years ago at auction for $1.2M.
If you're interested in the behind the scenes turmoil check this was unprecedented...
Here's the winning goal in the final game (game 8)...the video screws up but corrects itself...remember to watch the Canadian bench after the goal...
Here's another winning goal by Henderson in game seven in and around 4 Russians...
And Esposito's address to the country...