The core of the HWY 2 Conference:
As a life-long Laker fan and supporter, I am hoping that LSSU leaves the CCHA far, far in the rear-view mirror. I am hoping Tech, NMU, and BSU follow suit.
The CCHA is/was a horribly run operation. I am hearing that the boys out west were none to fond of the WCHA operation, either.
I submit its time to blow the whole thing up.
I can only submit my opinions from an LSSU slant, as that is where my heart resides. I believe that LSSU will only survive, and will only thrive, if they can get into a league with NMU, MTU, and Bemidji (call it the U.S. 2 alliance). Any other teams that round out that league would be fine -- but in my opinion for fan support, energy, similarly situated schools, similarly situated budgets, and similary situated institutional support for hockey -- LSSU MUST find a way to allign themselves with Tech, Northern, and the Beavers.
In my opinion, any league discussion MUST start with those four schools having their own meeting and setting their own parameters, and reaching out from there. These are the four best programs remaining (not in recent W-L records, but rather in the more important long-term indicators of success: financial, facility, and institutional support).
Consider the excellent facilities each of these schools provides. Consider the solid fan base, and solid alumni base, in small, hockey-mad, winter cities. Consider that each of these programs has a history and tradition of success and has each fed, in their own time, star players to the NHL.
Let us be a bit cold-blooded here: what do Ferris and BGSU bring to LSSU? Why should LSSU look south and east when the obvious connection is West? I mean, if BGSU and Ferris want to join the U.S. 2 League, great. But the discussion should center on the UP schools / BSU -- and radiate outward from there. NOt the other way around.
The U.S. 2 schools need to set themselves up as a solid block, and allow gravity to bring schools into THEIR orbit, rather than limping around, hat in hand, like a wounded beggar asking for scraps. We are all better schools, and better programs, than every other remaining school.
Bring the Alaska schools into the mix, and you have a very nice, tight conference of Far Northern Schools:
Great rivalries. Great travel partners. All institutions similarly dedicated and funded.
Its time for the UP schools to flex some muscle. I know, after ten years under Tom A's "leadership," we have all been made to feel like we are impovershed scum, small school burdens. We are bad for TV in Detroit, and that was the only thing Tom A and his evil mavens cared about. Well, Tom is gone, the CCHA is dead. Time for the UP schools to grab themselves by the back of the neck, pull themselves up, slap themselves in the face, and remind themselves that they are excellent D-I hockey programs. Stop acting like beat dogs. We are not dogs. If the U.S. 2 schools band together, the other midwestern schools will have to deal with a very good bloc.
As a life-long Laker fan and supporter, I am hoping that LSSU leaves the CCHA far, far in the rear-view mirror. I am hoping Tech, NMU, and BSU follow suit.
The CCHA is/was a horribly run operation. I am hearing that the boys out west were none to fond of the WCHA operation, either.
I submit its time to blow the whole thing up.
I can only submit my opinions from an LSSU slant, as that is where my heart resides. I believe that LSSU will only survive, and will only thrive, if they can get into a league with NMU, MTU, and Bemidji (call it the U.S. 2 alliance). Any other teams that round out that league would be fine -- but in my opinion for fan support, energy, similarly situated schools, similarly situated budgets, and similary situated institutional support for hockey -- LSSU MUST find a way to allign themselves with Tech, Northern, and the Beavers.
In my opinion, any league discussion MUST start with those four schools having their own meeting and setting their own parameters, and reaching out from there. These are the four best programs remaining (not in recent W-L records, but rather in the more important long-term indicators of success: financial, facility, and institutional support).
Consider the excellent facilities each of these schools provides. Consider the solid fan base, and solid alumni base, in small, hockey-mad, winter cities. Consider that each of these programs has a history and tradition of success and has each fed, in their own time, star players to the NHL.
Let us be a bit cold-blooded here: what do Ferris and BGSU bring to LSSU? Why should LSSU look south and east when the obvious connection is West? I mean, if BGSU and Ferris want to join the U.S. 2 League, great. But the discussion should center on the UP schools / BSU -- and radiate outward from there. NOt the other way around.
The U.S. 2 schools need to set themselves up as a solid block, and allow gravity to bring schools into THEIR orbit, rather than limping around, hat in hand, like a wounded beggar asking for scraps. We are all better schools, and better programs, than every other remaining school.
Bring the Alaska schools into the mix, and you have a very nice, tight conference of Far Northern Schools:
Great rivalries. Great travel partners. All institutions similarly dedicated and funded.
Its time for the UP schools to flex some muscle. I know, after ten years under Tom A's "leadership," we have all been made to feel like we are impovershed scum, small school burdens. We are bad for TV in Detroit, and that was the only thing Tom A and his evil mavens cared about. Well, Tom is gone, the CCHA is dead. Time for the UP schools to grab themselves by the back of the neck, pull themselves up, slap themselves in the face, and remind themselves that they are excellent D-I hockey programs. Stop acting like beat dogs. We are not dogs. If the U.S. 2 schools band together, the other midwestern schools will have to deal with a very good bloc.