The whole WPTZ/WCAX thing is interesting because it's a case study in the actions of a conglomerate-owned station versus a locally owned one. When Hearst-Argyle bought out WPTZ, they saw a station that was still giving relatively equal time to the Plattsburgh side of its market despite the huge population and economic hit caused by the airbase closure, so they shifted news coverage waaaaaay over to the Burlington side of things.
Meanwhile WCAX, which is able to respond to changes in local favor more easily due to its independent ownership, has taken advantage of recent information like the early success of Plattsburgh's new airport, the saving of Rouses Point's pharmaceutical plant, and the upswing in PSU sports on a whole as an opportunity to accomodate Plattsburgh viewers disenfranchised by the cold shoulder dictated to WPTZ by Hearst. Which is fine by me, as I've preferred WCAX's general approach to sports coverage over WPTZ's ever since Blaine Applegate moved on.