Well, in the Year of the Fan, when Emery is repeatedly quoted as wanting more noise from the fans, and last night when the students were home for Thanksgiving and we "townspeople" were rocking the arena- I was told by Security that I cannot ring my cowbell because it is a noisemaker.
Will they tell the student band members that they cannot blow their trumpets or beat their drums? Will they tell the team that the bench cannot beat the boards with their sticks to make noise?
I am a grey haired old lady fan whose voice is not terribly loud. I only ring the bell after goals and during introductions.
What is wrong with these idiots at the arena?
Will they tell the student band members that they cannot blow their trumpets or beat their drums? Will they tell the team that the bench cannot beat the boards with their sticks to make noise?
I am a grey haired old lady fan whose voice is not terribly loud. I only ring the bell after goals and during introductions.
What is wrong with these idiots at the arena?