Okay, Paula, you noted that the fears of the BTHC were the major reason UAH was treated poorly by the CCHA. Well, now that it appears the BTHC will come to fruition, what now? Is DI hockey going to contract or will teams remain viable to actually grow? Of course, if Illinois and Indiana, heck even Iowa, enter the landscape, it will clearly grow (or stay static number wise); but, what of the "little" guys currently in the WCHA and the CCHA? At least the Chargers appear to have at least some semblance of a future (albeit, in the short term) and thus may be able to weather the coming storm better than others (as long as some teams agree to travel to Huntsville to play, of course). I'd say this is an exciting time for college hockey, but, being a long-time UAH supporter, I just cannot agree. If support and desire to field a program are such a problem with other schools, why treat a team like UAH with such flippancy? Bully for the Nittany Lions, here, as they have an angel to swoop in and provide the impetus to get a DI program off the ground. Forget, though, that a good program south of the Mason-Dixon line has been competitive for quite a while now and hasn't folded (despite the apparent desire for such an outcome from a large number of DI schools and supporters), yet. Oh well, I vent, therefor I am...