This question has probably been covered somewhere but my quick perusal of old threads didn't turn up anything so I'll ask it here. Can a non-scholarship school, if it was so inclined, give out "financial aid" to as many players as it wanted to and if so, would that give it a competitive advantage? In other words - assume this hypothetical: Nonscholarship school decides it wants to compete at the highest level. It loosens the strings to its "financial aid" so that its financial aid package is competitive with scholarship schools. However, it is not limited to the 18 scholarships that scholarship schools have. Essentially it has an unlimited pool of money to work with. Conceivably it could really pack its roster with more good players. Of course, this hypothetical ignores the fact that the non-scholarship schools claim to have limitations and rules etc. But just for the sake of discussion, could they do this if they wanted to?