In print here:
but there have been rumlings locally about this being a possible direction that college football will take in the not-too-distant future.
Specifically, 64 big football schools secede from the NCAA, forming four 16-team superconferences. In rough terms, we might expect those schools to include the five Big Ten schools, Notre Dame, Boston College, and UConn.
Although football (and to a lesser extent basketball) would be the main driver, one might reasonably expect that all of the other widely-sponsored sports would be along for the ride.
What, then, of the sports that are not widely-sponsored? Hockey is the one of interest here, as only eight major football schools also sponsor hockey (the rest are non-football, lower-division, or non-BCS). Would those eight play their own private championship cut off from the rest of what is now Division 1? Would some sort of hybrid be arranged for hockey (and potentially one or two other similar sports like lacrosse)?
but there have been rumlings locally about this being a possible direction that college football will take in the not-too-distant future.
Specifically, 64 big football schools secede from the NCAA, forming four 16-team superconferences. In rough terms, we might expect those schools to include the five Big Ten schools, Notre Dame, Boston College, and UConn.
Although football (and to a lesser extent basketball) would be the main driver, one might reasonably expect that all of the other widely-sponsored sports would be along for the ride.
What, then, of the sports that are not widely-sponsored? Hockey is the one of interest here, as only eight major football schools also sponsor hockey (the rest are non-football, lower-division, or non-BCS). Would those eight play their own private championship cut off from the rest of what is now Division 1? Would some sort of hybrid be arranged for hockey (and potentially one or two other similar sports like lacrosse)?