The article you posted in the original engages in a dishonest bait and switch, and you've fallen for it completely. When it quotes the CAS as saying, ". . . bare assertion which is uncorroborated by any contemporaneous documentary evidence," it wants you to think that this refers to Rodchenkov's assertions about the existence of the program, when it is a much narrower statement, namely that Rodchenkov cannot link a particular individual, Alexander Legkov, to that program. That happens again with Richard McLaren. When the deputy chairman of the Duma, Igor Lebedev says, "Rodchenkov lied about doping in our country, which was to be proved," he is the one that is lying, because that was never what this hearing was about.
The rumor and hearsay and four anonymous witnesses you are referring to have nothing whatsoever to do with the evidence of the existence of the program, which is much greater than that. You've fallen for the output of a dishonest propaganda page.