The NCAA Oversight Committee
approved the minor rule changes, plus a couple that weren't on the previously published list.
The list of approved rule changes for the 2014-15 and 2015-16 seasons (with new additions in bold):
My thoughts:
-The new major penalty for significant impact on interference penalties that occur away from the head/neck (because that's already a major unto itself) is obviously rooted in player safety, which is a good thing, but it could get ugly. We already see major delays after kind of hits because referees want to call it a 5, but can't say it hit the head. In some cases, the referees already do call it for 5:00, much to the dismay of coaches and fans. But now we're green-lighting what is, ultimately, a subjective call. What constitutes "significant contact" exactly? I have a feeling the red line that players should not cross will be a moving target, changing from game-to-game and even within games.
-The experimental (i.e. exhibition-only) rule, which is only applying to women's hockey, to allow the puck to be played with a high stick is, in my humble opinion, absolute lunacy. In a game where head injuries occur far too often already, and in the middle of the debate on Half- or 3/4-shields vs Full Cages, do we really want these women skating around with their sticks in the air slashing away at a puck? It makes no sense! This rule would go well in one of Norm's April Fools Day posts!
-"Scoring Opportunity" and "Attempting to Score". Is this going to be like in lacrosse, where the referee has to determine if it was a shot or a hard pass that caused a ball to go out of play, and the offense keeps possession if it was a shot? I think I could live with this one. For years now the committee has been trying to subtly promote more offense, so you can't say that this is a surprise. The same can be said for the Faceoff Procedure change. I personally like a more defensive game, so I hate that they keep penalizing the defensive players with rule changes like this, but I do see the purpose for it. I say we undo all of these pro-offense changes and just reduce the size of the goalie's pads and/or increase the size of the net a little bit. But that's just me.
-The rest of the changes: I am worried about the pegs, but I would have to see what they are talking about before judging. Everything on the list I didn't specifically mention here makes sense to me, and is ultimately a very minor change in procedure.
What do you all think?