Re: RPI Engineers 2017-2018
I'm sure the AD had made this decision a while ago, like right after the playoffs, but was just looking for what he thought was the right time to pull the trigger. No reason to wait this long if he really wanted to make it appear like he actually gives a poop about the women's team. This is just plain stupidity and disrespect for the program.
Though I'm a member of the graduate school alumni of RPI and follow the school somewhat, I have to confess I'm not really in touch with RPI hockey closely these days. That being said, I offer a couple of thoughts here:
- Totally agree that this inidciates that women's hockey is less important than men's hockey. But is that surprising? Isn't that true at virtually every D1 school? Revenue vs non-revenue, high visibility vs low visibility, etc.
- Totally don't believe that the real reason they waited is that they could only do 1 national search at a time. I mean, it is even stupid for the AD to say something along those lines - makes him look like an idiot.
- More likely, something like this:
- School economics at RPI are not very good (debt is very low rated and they are struggling financially). This is a result (by majority opinion of alumni) of extremely poor fiscal management by the current administration and high investment in fringe areas (a massively expensive state of the art performing arts center at RPI??? Seriously??).
- The school has seriously upgraded its investment in D3 programs - see the football stadium and other new facilities that have been built in the last ~10 years. My guess is that these are imposing a very large depreciation and maintenance expense on the school that they probably poorly planned for. Additionally, many of these programs have been successful and they realize they are more of a draw for the school then D1 women's hockey.
- Severance packages, coach searches, and hiring coaches can be expensive. They probably have severe budget restrictions related to above and a salary cap on coach expenses. They needed to figure out how much the men's coaches were going to absorb of the available funding before they proceeded with the women's team. My guess is was a lot and more than they expected.
- Burke is probably well paid given he has been the HC for 14 years and likely has gotten annual raises. Cutting him was a savings (and easily justified). They will use a low paid interim this season, solving a short term issue for next season.
- They will do a national search next year in a different budget year when they can afford it. And they will go all U Maine on it to keep the costs down by underpaying the market.