Ralph Baer
Let's Go 'Tute!
Old thread https://fanforum.uscho.com/forum/col...ory-of-turk181
Thanks to DrDemento for the reference to the thread title.
Thanks to DrDemento for the reference to the thread title.
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Wondering what transfer we'll get next. My target list would be Nick Prkusic, Hampus Eriksson, Pierre-Luc Veillette, Chase Gresock, Sam Sternschein, Hank Crone, Michael Regush. Could use a forward with size.
Do you think that we are looking for someone with just one or two years of eligibility left?
I think they'd prefer that because the team currently only has 3 players with just one year left, but I don't think they'd eliminate anyone younger just because of that. Obviously that's just a guess though; only the staff themselves truly knows.
I also wonder whether there are some talented players unexpectedly facing another year in juniors who may be re-thinking their commitments. I don't have a firm opinion; experience vs. potential are the things that coaches need to weigh in the context of the existing chemistry of the team.
Here’s a story about the men’s lax team returning to action.... LGR!
Btw, this is the second time that “The Hunt for Red October” has been used. It was used for RPI’s 2018 Off-Season thread.
I am very much looking forward to October. I think we all need to keep in mind that many other teams are in the exact same position we are. I’d like to suggest that , despite what many people think, I think RPI should give away RPI hockey masks at the first men’s and women’s games next fall. I have missed the action, but I have not missed the 2-4 week annual chest cold I did not get this past year because of wearing a mask and socially distancing. I plan on wearing a mask at the games. I simply don’t want to have to sit home because I am sick, Covid , a cold, the flu, whatever.