Guys (and girls), if you wish:
Northern Lite could really use our votes
And I'm sure bayliner2255 would appreciate our help as well
These two are friends of mine and I wouldn't mind getting them both into the next round. This is just for fun, but all the same, thank you for your consideration.
Get over it.
Good. Now you get to sit back and watch me get torched when my game comes up.
Don't feel so bad. The sort of people who live in that thread in the Cafe aren't the type of people you want votes from anyway.
If someone wants to lobby for votes, so be it. Disappointing, but so be it. It's just too bad that people are voting who have no knowledge or interest at all in DIII hockey, which our collective interest of is really what this should all be about.
Also keep in mind that the vote totals here are not out of line with other contests. It's not like I dragged 20 people over here.
Cripes man, I thought this was nothing more than just something to pass the time around here until Hockey starts up again.
Yeah, I'm with you on that, which why you certainly must understand my amusement that a bunch of abject losers from the Cafe are voting in a poll in which they wouldn't know what a NorthernLite or 93Greatlaker was if it bit them on the ***.
You're an idiot. Shut up and go join the rest of your Cafe brethren.
[sizes up the size of my e-peen to the rest of the internet persona heroes in here]
nope, still not up to the task, gotta go back and inflate my ego some more with silly poles that still mean nothing
Sorry to whore myself out like that for a vote, but in the end...
I see you must have taken a break from stalking Red Cloud. Keep up the good work!
Funny you mention personas, considering everyone and their brother here knows who I am. Perhaps if you actually followed DIII you'd be aware of such things.
Yeah, I'm with you on that, which why you certainly must understand my amusement that a bunch of abject losers from the Cafe are voting in a poll in which they wouldn't know what a NorthernLite or 93Greatlaker was if it bit them on the ***.
You're an idiot. Shut up and go join the rest of your Cafe brethren.
Ohh... I got called an Idiot online. Ouch, that really hurt my feelings there XYZ. Now if you'll all excuse me, I'm going to have to go draw myself a bubble bath, put on som Kenny G, have a glass or two of wine and then have myself a good cry about it.