still an empty net
Did anybody else get a random call from the NCAA office in Indy? I did today and just thought it was a weird voicemail. They didn’t offer any details besides that it was a guy from Indy calling about the Frozen Four.
Did anybody else get a random call from the NCAA office in Indy? I did today and just thought it was a weird voicemail. They didn’t offer any details besides that it was a guy from Indy calling about the Frozen Four.
I'd like to know if the tickets in the school blocks people are buying from the 4 participating teams are in the lower bowl like they used to be (and should be). In 2017 the lower bowl tickets were not made available to me. Odd because demand for the FF seems to be short of what it was some years ago.
I've gotten them before, when we didn't renew last year. I told them pretty clearly that the reason was that we got pretty poor seats in the largest NHL stadium in the country after getting a pretty darned good priority number. We moved from very good middle height, lower bowl up to the nose bleed level. I didn't appreciate that at all. And the fact that I paid more to get less was the tipping point.
They are way overpriced for the Buffalo area. Like I said in a separate thread earlier in the year, you would have thought Buffalo learned their lesson from the World Juniors last year, and the WJC can depend on nearby Canadian fans. The FF does not.
If what you're referring to is the lack of availability of seats when your number came up, I would guess that might be due to the increase in the maximum number of tickets we could order. Since we can now get up to 8, the higher priority folks may be claiming more early.
Even so, I am surprised that too many folks with decent priority numbers would end up in nose-bleeds nowadays. These things are not even close to selling out ahead of time anymore. Of course it may depend on your definition of "pretty darned good priority number".