M-A-I-N-E, GooOOO, Blue!
There were a pile of quick goals scored last night! Penn State had two lamplighters separated by 33 seconds. The Gophers, after their early slumber, had two only 22 seconds apart. Michigan apparently only left the offensive zone after they scored. They scored in 45 seconds, then got that down to 30 seconds later in the period and followed that one up a mere 55 seconds later for three in a row. The icing was a 16 second gap between goals in the third. But the winner of the evening goes to Ohio State - (sorry - THE Ohio State rolleyes) who scored two a mere 6 seconds apart. Did it not occur to Harvard that they needed to play defense immediately after being scored upon?? Playoff hockey - when you start taking more chances to get back a goal or two and leave your 'tender hanging. Anyway, all these quickies in one round of play kind of caught me.