Re: Question...especially for Norm1909
I would like to hear peopl's input (especially Norm's) about DIII hockey. MY question is this:
Is DIII getting so big (meaning recruitment, promotion, attention to attendance, and the time commitment of its athletes) that it is getting away from the DIII philosophy?
Is the education of its participants getting compromised and their outlook on life (as being "Gods on campus" which is one way I heard it phrased) because of how big its getting?
In other DIII sports, regular high school graduates have a legitimate chance of participation. In DIII hockey it seems that the only road to that experience is through Canadian and US junior A. Even the MIAC schools which traditionally recruited HS athletes are turning to Junior.
The nature of DIII hockey seems have evolved to a lifetime commitment whereas it should be in addition to their college experience...not in lieu of.
The reason I am so interested in hearing Norm's ideas (in addition to everyone else's, please be assured) is that I have read his posts and have a tremendous amount of respect for his commentary as well as his ability to look at the big picture.
I think you just want to make me write
It is interesting that you propose the possibility of DIII hockey “getting so big”, while many on this forum lament the diminishing “Zoo Crews” that once dominated many DIII arenas - which is not to say they are gone, but I believe most would agree are mostly shadows of their hey days.
You note, “recruitment, promotion, attention to attendance, and the time commitment of its athletes”, and those areas are certainly key areas to success in any sport. What is happening to DIII sports? IMO, increasing availability of mass communication, such as high-speed internet, immensely expanded TV channel bandwidth with the advent of digital satellite, digital cable converters and now even digit broadcasting, with the desire of new entrepreneurs to find profitable “Niche Markets”, and advertisers looking for exposure to their ideal “target market” have increased (among many other thing), exposure to sports. Coupled with the hype generated by some super athletes – Michael Jordon, Tiger Woods, Dale Earnhardt Sr, etc, mass promotion of athletic events – Olympics, Super Bowl, etc. has increased the general “top of mind awareness” of all sports.
With this increased public awareness, athletic departments realize they have the ability to highlight why they deserve funding - i.e. how can they maximize their value to the institution, particularly in light of ever threatening budget cuts. The athletic departments understand that their value to the institution’s mission is to create a positive public image for the institution helping to improve applications to the school so that the admissions officers can select the students most likely to succeed and thereby increase the schools accreditation and desirability. Individual coaches realize that in order to accomplish this, they must WIN, and to win they must recruit the best student athletes. As is the “nature of the beast” the “best student athletes” tend to be those who have made a “lifetime commitment” to the sport. Unfortunately, the number of employment opportunities that will provide a lifetime income is less than the number of student athletes desiring such opportunities – THIS is where Division III comes in. Division III offers opportunities to those student athletes who “ran with the big dogs” but didn’t quite keep up with the front of the pack. As evidenced on this forum with threads such as “DIII players in the Pros” and even “DIII players in the NHL”, some DIII athletes are able to continue their “lifetime commitment” beyond their DIII playing years, while others will continue that commitment through coaching paid and volunteer while pursuing their degree’s career path. For the vast majority, it is their educational accomplishments that will determine their future “lifetime success”.
Has DIII evolved? Yes, driven by economics, it has acquired many of the traits of a business, whereas at one point, it was more an extension of intramurals and sports clubs. Is this bad, I don’t think so, everyone, school budget officers and student athletes alike, make decisions based on only one thing – “The path of least resistance”, that is the path they believe is going to make their life easier (more fulfilling, less guilt) and as such, predators (recruiters) may occasionally, steer someone down a path not so ideally suited for a particular student athlete, but for the most part, I believe it is a win-win for all parties (stakeholders) involved.