Admin: move to Cafe if needed, don't know exactly where to put this.
For those not on GPL, but still have been to MN Gopher tailgates and have met or seen the guy, the GopherPuckLive poster known as Hockey Jesus was in an accident on Monday night while riding his bike (I assume motorcycle). He suffered a broken neck, a fracture to his spine and a couple broken bones to his face. The good news is there is currently no paralysis. He is in a St. Paul hospital.
He's a great guy, and a diehard fan. Thoughts and prayers are asked of all of you.
And if you are unsure of who he is, after the "Ay yi yi yiiiii Jesus Hates Wisconsin!" chant, he's the one who always says, "Yes, I do."
For those not on GPL, but still have been to MN Gopher tailgates and have met or seen the guy, the GopherPuckLive poster known as Hockey Jesus was in an accident on Monday night while riding his bike (I assume motorcycle). He suffered a broken neck, a fracture to his spine and a couple broken bones to his face. The good news is there is currently no paralysis. He is in a St. Paul hospital.
He's a great guy, and a diehard fan. Thoughts and prayers are asked of all of you.
And if you are unsure of who he is, after the "Ay yi yi yiiiii Jesus Hates Wisconsin!" chant, he's the one who always says, "Yes, I do."