Re: pop ups///blockers
Yup, there's definitely a problem although, at least in my case, it's showing up only on Edge and, to a lesser extent, Firefox. Nothing on either IE-11 or Chrome although I did get a popup from my Norton-360 that it had blocked an attack while I was on Chrome.
Manifestations on Edge include a pop-up that tells me to download "the new media player" and another popup mimicking Microsoft complete with voice message telling me that my computer is infected and if I don't call the 800 number on the screen my computer will be disabled "to protect the network." (I didn't and it hasn't.) On Firefox, I got a popup telling me to download a new version of Flash but there was nothing to indicate that the popup came from Adobe.
Through a little sleuthing, it appears that the website behind all of this is: (BTW, I don't recommend any visits to that site.)
I can send screenshots of this and the various pop-ups to the moderators if desired.