I have no doubt that they weed out certain posters, even their own fans. I was able to become a member a long time ago, before they were filtering your personal information. If they didn't like what they saw (such as living in a certain state) then it was their right to not let you join, assuming you were going to be a lurker and a flamer. I know certain opponent fans that are not welcome back after posting incidents.
I have had some spirited debates with people over there and I have to admit, some of their own disparage the Mav program pretty well and they are still there. Whatever you did or posted must have really cheesed off the administrators. Then again, there is a sizable latitude given to posters... and UNO fans are not shy about using their cute little monikers for opposing programs.
I think that is what is driving MavMania's posting rules. Still, I am not going to be limited to cheerleading for an opponent school. If posters want to rip on the officials, or question a coaching strategy or even poke fun at their own, they should be able to. I am sure they will not enforce the rules when it comes to poking at opponent programs. But if you are trying to engage in a non confrontational manner, and are not a Mavfan, then I still think you'll be ignored. That's fine, it's their campfire. They have obvious biases based on bad experiences with certain opponent fanbases and run with it.
It is completely OPPOSITE of the treatment you receive, though, if you attend their games or happen to discuss their program with them if they visit your building/neutral site.
There is nothing wrong with a program (especially with the fanbase they have) having multiple fan sites... but they certainly do not support this one- or enjoy engaging with fans from other programs. So, to pander here in order to draw attention to their new site is pretty odd, IMO.