The UNH Alumni Association is having a watch event at Penn Quarter Sports Tavern in Washington, DC for Friday Night's game. Feel free to tell your DC friends. It's the first of 3 watches already scheduled this semester, including 2/22 vs. Vermont & 3/8 vs. Maine.
Info also on the Facebook page: (Page doesn't make it look like it's open to all, but it is. I'll mention that to someone later today.)
Please feel free to ask me any questions and forgive any cross-postings to other relevant threads.
So, anyone know anything about DirecTV packages? Overnight, the bar sent us an email cancelling the event because they don't have NESN anymore because "Direct TV has recently changed its programming packages and no longer shows the NESN or the other 2 networks that are airing the game tomorrow in the DC market so we will not be able to show the hockey game tomorrow" and "spent much of this evening on the phone with Direct TV to see if there is somehow that we can show the game, i.e. Pay per View, buy a new sports package, etc., but unfortunately there isn't a way to show the game tomorrow". There's no info online that I can find about a dispute or any weeping/gnashing of teeth over losing a channel. We had 20+ alum/friend/family RSVPs plus some random college hockey fans since this is such a big game. Since they found out through so many channels, there's only so much we can do to keep people from showing up tonight anyways. Anyone know more about this? Who do I direct my anger at, DirecTV or the bar?