Larry Normandin
NCAA Division III Considers Next Steps in Drug Education and Testing Pilot Program
Division III currently conducts drug testing at its championships only, however individual schools may conduct their own testing throughout the year. Division I and II conduct year-round drug testing
The Presidents Council will consider the following options for a future drug education and testing program:
◦Retention in its current form of championships testing for performance enhancing drugs and illegal street drugs.
◦Enhanced educational programming.
◦Academic year-round drug testing (e.g. performance enhancing drugs and illegal street drugs or performance enhancing drugs only).
◦Optional funding for campus-based testing through a new allocation to the existing strategic initiative conference grant program.
“This program was implemented in the spirit of student-athlete well-being and finding ways to educate and deter student-athletes in the use of performance enhancing drugs and street drugs,” said Jim Harris, president of Widener University and incoming chair of the Division III Presidents Council. “We will take the findings from the pilot program and determine what direction to take from here that will be in the best interest of student-athletes.”
View the executive summary and full report here.