I could have a helluva good time in Nashville. I've heard there's some fun to be had there.
No thanks. It would be a disaster
No thanks. It would be a disaster
Then we can have it in Atlanta, Miami, and Phoenix, all great hockey towns.
I hope Taylor Swift is in town that weekend so I can stun her with my good looks.
Washington is just as much a non-traditional market as Nashville.Keep the FF in towns like Denver, Boston, St. Paul, Washington, etc with the occasional trip to Philadelphia or St. Louis. No reason for hick towns like Nashville or Tampa to host a Frozen Four.
I'm not against spreading the game to untapped markets, I just think you should have a Division 1 college hockey team within 500 miles of you as a prerequisite for hosting such a prestigious event.
Keep the FF in towns like Denver, Boston, St. Paul, Washington, etc with the occasional trip to Philadelphia or St. Louis. No reason for hick towns like Nashville or Tampa to host a Frozen Four.
Huntsville is 110 miles from Nashville, why does everyone assume they are on the Gulf Coast. Also, Oxford, OH is about 300 miles away.
Did Atlanta, Miami and Phoenix all get Frozen Four that I missed? Go back to sleep.
I think it'd be a great location. There's a lot to do there, Memphis would be a short drive(except for Northeasterners) for the off day, new location, and easy to get to. I'm still waiting for the Fargodome Frozen Four!
With the way Fargo deals with floods, they'll be able to host for a number of years. They won't even have to bring in water since the Cowdome will be flooded again.