Duluth sweeps
Biddco is happy to hear this. Biddco hasn't been in Duluth in over two months, it has been way too long. Biddco NEEDS some Anchor Bar and Pitchers.tBrenthoven will be attending tseries. tBrenthoven hopes that tMTU sweeps tUMD (despite that being a tall tall order), so that tGophers remain in 1st place in tWCHA.
tBrenthoven also is looking forward to tAnchor Bar and some SENANICANS.
Biddco is happy to hear this. Biddco hasn't been in Duluth in over two months, it has been way too long. Biddco NEEDS some Anchor Bar and Pitchers.
Biddco is sad that tMisfits will be at the complete opposite end of the arena from tPB.
tBrenthoven hasn't been IN Duluth in over a decade or so. tBrenthoven has only been THROUGH Duluth, on tHoughton trips. tBrenthoven is sad about that.
Biddco is very surprised to hear this.
As she has already stated in tLodge, tDiva has room for 2 or possibly 3 others at Flashy and 'Diva's Yooper Palace for tWeekend. tDiva needs to know by Thursday to have tPalace adequately prepared.
tDiva also rearranged so that she no longer has to be at tRunning Company Saturday, so tSENANICANS and tAnchor Bar are definitely on the docket. BAC's of .OMG are also expected.
tSG wants to know where tMisfits seats are in the new arena?Biddco is happy to hear this. Biddco hasn't been in Duluth in over two months, it has been way too long. Biddco NEEDS some Anchor Bar and Pitchers.
Biddco is sad that tMisfits will be at the complete opposite end of the arena from tPB.
Biddco believes it is Section 224 or 225. Probably 224 as that is where the parents sit.tSG wants to know where tMisfits seats are in the new arena?
thuskyfan tknows tTech has thope in thell.
please prove huskyfan wrong... (rubs magic Mel Pearson beads, slaughters chicken, spits, hex hex hex)