That is the kind of HC/AC relationship the Warriors need, neither can walk into a room thinking they are the smartest person in the room, the sales pitch always starts with the AC and the HC closes. Maybe Merrimack’s future is brighter than I suspect but only time will tell. It would be pretty hard for Borek to find a Keefe clone the way things have been going.
As pointed out in my last post, you get a unique AC/HC situation like that maybe once a generation or so. Too often your hot-shot AC is lusting after his first HC post, and whether it's in another program OR as the successor to his current boss HC, by definition it's breaking up the pairing that's working so well in the first place.
An example of the scenario of the ambitious AC who does want to run his own show is what UNH had a generation ago with McCloskey doing to recruiting for Umile. As long as that lasted, UNH was formidable, and competing pretty closely with the Walsh/Standbrook juggernaut. And once Walshy passed, IF McCloskey had continued in his AC role for the UNH Men, that success likely would have continued unabated. But McCloskey wanted a HC job, and took the UNH Women's job, which worked out pretty well for the better part of a decade. Until the man tells me otherwise face-to-face, I will always believe McCloskey felt he would coach the Women's team until Umile retired, and then slide over to run the Men's team.
Unfortunately, Umile decided to continue past his sell-by date, which probably annoyed McCloskey to some degree, there was slippage and then frustration as a result, and McCloskey got booted at the first opportune moment, ending that scenario. The guy who had replaced him as head recruiter for the UNH Men (some guy named Borek, you guys ever hear of him?) couldn't match what McCloskey had done, but was kept on board even longer, and he too probably had a belief that he would be the nect UNH HC when Umile retired. That didn't work out the way he hoped, either.
If you have a guy like Standbrook who is content to do the hard work on recruiting, and does a top notch job at it, then you are generally set for the long run - and your HC is a very lucky guy indeed. If Keefe is content to be "Standbrook" under Madigan's "Walshy" then Northeastern is set for the long run. If Keefe gets antsy and moves, Madigan will be OK for a few years working through Keefe's recruiting inventory, sure, but what happens after that? Unless he can find the "next Keefe" then he's probably on the road to retirement a few years earlier than he'd like to be.
Long story short - if you can get such an HC/AC team in place where both are happy in what they do, and both do it well, then you're probably set for a long time. But ... easier said than done.