I really don't want to be seen as a hateful person, one that wants bodily harm done to another for something as trivial as a game, but here it goes. I hope that at some point during this evenings game, any player (preferably a Maine player) shoots the puck directly at Tim Whitehead. And I hope that Tim is unable to avoid the contact. And that said puck hits him in the head, causing significant injury. A lost time accident. Completely malicious. Or not. It totally could come from a deflection, so long as the end result is there. Then Corkum can take over and make the year more palatable.
I was thinking along these lines a few weeks ago when Maine was at ND. I envisioned a rusty old lawn mower being hurled from the stands and decapitating Tim. I had a chuckle and disregarded. (me thinks this may be someone else's fantasy that was reported some time ago and now its also mine) If any Wildcat fans, or Maine fans, or Maine fans dressed as Wildcat fans or so-on, would like to.....aw screw it. Just a stupid day dream.
Maine Hockey=soap-operaesque