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...Omaha would raise holy hell if Lincoln got a team...
Why? Wouldn't UNO-UNL become an instant rivalry that would work for both programs? Take a look at the Greater Boston area: Four D1 teams within a six-mile radius (five and an extra mile or so if you want to include Bentley). The respective fan bases may loathe and despise one another but the net effect is to raise hockey consciousness all around. What would be so different in Eastern Nebraska?
The whole Iowa thing is a joke.
The whole Iowa thing is a joke. Yes, they built a new arena. Know where the hockey team was playing before? A shopping mall. And not a really great shopping mall, to boot. No one cares about hockey down there. It's football and wrestling.
It would work for both programs if UNO had a strong and supportive fanbase. Sadly, that's really not the case, since most UNO grads end up becoming Jayskers (Nebraska football/Creighton basketball fans) or Husker faithful after they graduate. Right now UNO is the big ticket for hockey in the state of Nebraska. If Nebraska starts a hockey program you'd see UNO's fanbase evaporate overnight as the T-shirt fan alums run screaming towards UNL. The sports media in Omaha is also loaded with Lincoln J-school grads that take their Husker fandom with them to work every day. One of the main sportswriters in town, Sam Mckeown, even went on the radio during the D1 transition and said UNO should drop all athletics because they don't get good volleyball attendance.Why? Wouldn't UNO-UNL become an instant rivalry that would work for both programs? Take a look at the Greater Boston area: Four D1 teams within a six-mile radius (five and an extra mile or so if you want to include Bentley). The respective fan bases may loathe and despise one another but the net effect is to raise hockey consciousness all around. What would be so different in Eastern Nebraska?
The whole Iowa thing is a joke. Yes, they built a new arena. Know where the hockey team was playing before? A shopping mall. And not a really great shopping mall, to boot. No one cares about hockey down there. It's football and wrestling.
It's also the third AHL franchise in a decade in Iowa...
There are 5 USHL teams in Iowa and another in Omaha on the IA/NE border. I have NO idea if that would translate to hockey in Iowa City, but the USHL wouldn't be there if there wasn't interest in the state.
Let's give credit where credit is due. This article appeared on, which is the website of the St. Paul Pioneer Press, not Star Tribune.