Shirtless Guy
Old Dirty Basterd
Since the last change, I have always found it strange that only head to head games can flip a comparison from the team with the higher RPI, because a superior common opponent record isn't enough by itself because tiebreaker goes to RPI. With the RPI calculation so flawed and skewed specifically for hockey to avoid negative impact games, it doesn't make sense to put so much emphasis on something so arbitrary. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to change the current formulation to find a 4th criteria to allow flipping a comparison without head to head games? My first thought was to incorporate RPI w/QWB and RPI w/o QWB since not every team gets equal shots at QWB and only so much of that can be the responsibility of the team itself. If we are so confident in the RPI we choose to use, it would make sense to use both numbers in some fashion.
Other thoughts? I'd like to gather a few ideas and incorporate them into the last 3 years of the current system and see how it would have changed the field.
Other thoughts? I'd like to gather a few ideas and incorporate them into the last 3 years of the current system and see how it would have changed the field.