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Hellebuyck’s 31 saves lift Massachusetts-Lowell over Providence
It’s not too often that NHL teams take chances on drafting collegiate goaltenders, so when you have two goalies squaring off whose rights are held by NHL clubs, expectations for a goaltender’s duel are pretty high. On Thursday, fans expecting such a duel got one and then some as Providence rookie Jon Gillies, a draft pick of Calgary last June, tangled with Massachusetts-Lowell rookie Connor Hellebuyck, whose rights are owned by Winnipeg. The result was [...]
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It’s not too often that NHL teams take chances on drafting collegiate goaltenders, so when you have two goalies squaring off whose rights are held by NHL clubs, expectations for a goaltender’s duel are pretty high. On Thursday, fans expecting such a duel got one and then some as Providence rookie Jon Gillies, a draft pick of Calgary last June, tangled with Massachusetts-Lowell rookie Connor Hellebuyck, whose rights are owned by Winnipeg. The result was [...]
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