Just a reminder: The next decade does not begin until NEXT year.
Just a reminder: The next decade does not begin until NEXT year.
This is such a BS argument. After 2000+ year, the failure to understand the concept of "0" washes over time.Just a reminder: The next decade does not begin until NEXT year.
Just a reminder: The next decade does not begin until NEXT year.
My question is...
There was the 80's and there was the 90's. But what did we just get through? The zero's? The "oh's"?
My question is...
There was the 80's and there was the 90's. But what did we just get through? The zero's? The "oh's"?
Wrong. Decades are measured differently than millenia.
It was the aughts.
My question is...
There was the 80's and there was the 90's. But what did we just get through? The zero's? The "oh's"?
Or you realize that the mistake was made some 2000 years ago and it really doesn't matter, so now 10-19 are the teens, and 20-29 are the twenties, and so on.Wrong. There was no year zero. 1-10 is a decade. Thus, 11-20 is a decade.