Mushroom Cloud-Laying Mofo
OK jokers, who's going?
And just try to keep it civil...
And just try to keep it civil...
I rescind my handraise.
Is terrorists a code word for Red Cloud? If so, I salute you, since I'm a lyrical terrorist. And since it would be right.
I think you have a bit too high of an opinion of yourself, V.
Shout out to Beer Pong Horn, I'ma throw you a curve
You mad cause I'm a THIEF and got a way with words
I rescind my handraise.
Too late Diva, you're going, and I'll buy you a drink there.I rescind my handraise.
If you don't go to Detroit, the terrorists will win.
Two trips to Detroit in one year? You people are Hockey nuts.
Two trips to Detroit in one year? You people are nuts.
Two trips to Detroit in one year? You people are nuts.
Two? I may go three or four times!
1. GLI
2. Possibly the CCHA tourny
3. Possibly the FF
4. Roommate's wedding.