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I ask because it seems there is hint of (understandable) paranoia regarding how close our boosters work with the hockey team to support booster activities. This attitude is not necessarily within the program but comes from the school's athletic department overlords. Given so much in the news related to not only things college-hockey-related, but also the effect football booster-related activities have tinged that organization, the blow-up at tOSU, scandals in multiple programs at Tennessee, etc. etc., do you in your summer meetings / emails see this same kind of circling of the wagons in your programs? For example, it is quite probable that Blue Line Club fundraising activities in university facilities will be suspended for the upcoming season - a precautionary move perhaps.
I am in no way seeking a back-door way into any adverse information about the state of your specific programs, but am just trying to get a feel from around the D-1.
I am in no way seeking a back-door way into any adverse information about the state of your specific programs, but am just trying to get a feel from around the D-1.