Might be getting closer -- memo from the NCAA ... http://ncaa.org/wps/wcm/connect/pub...+sports/ice+hockey/playing+rules/visor+update
Might be getting closer -- memo from the NCAA ... http://ncaa.org/wps/wcm/connect/pub...+sports/ice+hockey/playing+rules/visor+update
I think this is stupid. As a ref with a half shield I still occassionally got hit in the mouth. Why allow that opportunity for the players to get injured. Is it a macho thing? Keep the full face mask.
In a game this past weekend a defense men tried to lift the stick of an opposing player and missed. The blade went up and caught the opposing player on the chin. I believe if it were not for a full mask that blade could have easily caused my damage.
If one of the reasons to go to a half shield is because colleges are losing prospects to the juniors, then my comment would be in regard to the prospects reasoning of a half shield being the deciding factor. Please do not state better visibility, as our eyes routinely perceive images with out the full picture. More then likely you could block more of the puck and players and still have good results.
From what I have heard going to the half shield reduces concussions. If true the likelihood of staying with the full cage might make a lawsuit just around the corner.
The think it is the fearless part but also players coming out of college tend to carry the stick higher hence arms too. So it isn't just the hits and concussions it is also getting the stick lower, moving the contact down.
The problem with the contact to head 5-minute penalty is they went too far. Nobody wants to call majors unless it is an extremely dangerous play. That is the hockey culture on majors. The rule should be a double minor rule (adding an additional 2-minutes), enough teeth to curb the behavior but not so much that the refs cringe at calling the rule.
The think it is the fearless part but also players coming out of college tend to carry the stick higher hence arms too. So it isn't just the hits and concussions it is also getting the stick lower, moving the contact down.
The problem with the contact to head 5-minute penalty is they went too far. Nobody wants to call majors unless it is an extremely dangerous play. That is the hockey culture on majors. The rule should be a double minor rule (adding an additional 2-minutes), enough teeth to curb the behavior but not so much that the refs cringe at calling the rule.
I think it's a great idea, take the shields away and the high sticks elbows etc.. will go down.
So based on this theory, we would never see high sticking, checking from behind, boarding, blows to the head and elbowing in the juniors and other pro leagues right?
I haven't seen an NHL game in a while, but I'm pretty sure all that stuff went on... As other posters have pointed out, the real issues are the equipment is to protective and players lack a real respect for each other. At least in pro hockey if you take someone hard into the boards, the other team takes your number and your time will come to pay the piper. Maybe not next shift or next period or even the next game, but you're going to get what you have coming to you make no mistake. Not wanting to have to answer the bell is what prevents most dumb plays at the pro level.
Ryan J
I don't care what coaches and players think about the issue. They're straight up wrong. And what they want has nothing to do with the equation.
.... the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.
Legislation [written by the NRA] adopted by Florida + 20 or 30 other states supposes carrying deadly weapons and refusing to step aside will reduce violence and injury. It follows that instead of improving protective gear hockey players should have more potent offensive weapons.
Legislation [written by the NRA] adopted by Florida + 20 or 30 other states supposes carrying deadly weapons and refusing to step aside will reduce violence and injury. It follows that instead of improving protective gear hockey players should have more potent offensive weapons.
The reason it's true is only because of the "fear" factor. If you're only wearing a half shield the kamikaze effect goes away from the player. The "no tolerance" on head hits should of had the same effect but for some reason the refs are already breaking the "no tolerance" rule over and over again by not automatically giving a 5 fiver for any contact to the head.
It never ceases to amaze me how many less issues we would have if the refs would just call the damm rulebook.